Expand your United States offering through
PYK Global


3 - 5 day Shipping

USPS PYK Global is a proud partner of the United States Postal Service. We help shippers from all around the world clear customs and inject their parcels directly into the postal stream saving you thousands of dollars in shipping costs. Our Global Direct Entry program is the fastest and cheapest way to get to your customers in the US from anywhere in the world.

Fulfillment Center

PYK Global has dozens of locations across the United States to optimize our customers' shipping routes. We’ll receive your goods and strategically route them through our locations in order to minimize cost and transit time for every parcel. What we’ll do: 
 Receive your pre-packaged parcels. 
 Clear customs. 
 Route them to the warehouse closest to their “to address”. Hand them off to a partner for last-mile delivery at a discount. 
 All within 5 business days.

Customs Clearance

Millions of dollars and hours are lost when dealing with customs. We import thousands of goods into the United States every day. Our partners entrust us with efficiently clearing customs. You worry about getting your packages to our warehouse and we’ll do everything you need to get that parcel to its end destination in the cheapest/fastest way possible. We also handle T86 customs clearance for hundreds of our clients, making it easier than ever to import low-value goods from anywhere in the world. 

Why you should pick PYK

Global Coverage

Free SaaS Solution

Save Time

Save Money on Shipping

Minimize Inventory

AI Driven



Bring 13% cost savings to your bottom line


Increase your average order value by 97%


Reduce your cart abandonment by 18%


Save your team 120 work hours per week

Do You Have a Deep Sleep?

Lorem ipsum was conceived as filler text, formatted in a certain way to enable the presentation.